A partial list for Ben Lily and Signal Peak Meadow, field trip September 11, 2021, led by Russ Kleinman

Russ Kleinman led us on a field trip in the Pinos Altos Range along hwy 15. There were so many of us (pent-up demand?) that we had to quickly rethink our auto-stops. 

Basket flower


At the Ben Lilly parking area we explored the immediately surrounding area, with special attention to the grasses, with help from Don. As we went north from there on 15, some of us were able to spot the large stand of Rothrock’s Basketflower (Plectocephalus rothrockii) past Cherry Creek Campground. We then moved to the roadside meadow at the Signal Peak turnoff, where we found an abundance of late summer wildflowers (see the partial plant list above).


Phemeranthus parviflorus


At the close of the field trip, a few of us stopped at a small rocky meadow, featuring plants that are often overlooked and stepped on, such as Phemeranthus parviflorus (New Mexico Fameflower) (right), Tagetes micrantha (Licorice Marigold), mosses, lichens and ferns.

City of Rocks State Park, field trips October 15, 2022; April 16, 2022; October 16, 2021; led by Bill Norris with guest appearances from Ed Leuck and Russ Kleinman.

Arizona bluecurls (Trichostema arizonica)

On three different occasions, Dr. Norris led us on field trips within City of Rocks State Parks.  First, a fall trip to the Cienega Trail, followed by a spring return to the Cienega Trail, then to the Chihuahua Desert near the Cienega Trail.

Hidalgo County near Canador Peak, field trip April 9, 2024, led by Andrew Tree

Andrew Tree led our first field trip of the year to see some of the Chihuahuan desert spring wildflowers that have popped out at lower elevations.


Sphaeralcea sp.


Participants gathered at the Visitor’s Center to carpool and drive to Virden in Hidalgo County. Observers were able to get up close and personal with more than fifty-two species of wildflowers. The afternoon clouds only added to the beauty of the high desert landscape.


Malacothrix coulteri